Employees of Barreirinha bus terminal in Curitiba, Brazil, set a good example to the world, as they opened the terminal’s door to homeless dogs, and gave them special beds to protect them from winter cold. There were three dogs seen in the station’s premises, and their names are Pitoco, Zoinho, and Max.
The employees didn’t just give these dogs a home for winter, they even made some DIY beds made out of tires lined with blankets, to keep them warm and cozy through the cold nights. Their goodwill was noticed by politician Fabiane Rosa, and she shared some photos on Facebook, that quickly went viral.
Hopefully, this act of kindness will kindle a fire that sets ablaze all other businesses’ initiative to show love to homeless dogs, and somehow make this world a better place.
Employees of Barreirinha bus terminal in Curitiba, Brazil, prove that good Samaritans still exist. They went beyond their usual job routines to welcome stray dogs in the premises, and they also customized beds out of tires and lined them with blankets to keep the dogs warm and cozy during cold winter nights.
These three dogs, Pitoco, Zoinho, and Max, are beneficiaries of the employees’ random act of kindness, and everybody is appreciating their efforts.
This wonderful story became viral when politician Fabiane Rosa shared it on Facebook. “So many companies in Curitiba could follow this example, adopting a pet. Of course it is not the ideal, but at least there are those who are looking after them” Rosa stated on Facebook.
This wonderful story became viral when politician Fabiane Rosa shared it on Facebook. “So many companies in Curitiba could follow this example, adopting a pet. Of course it is not the ideal, but at least there are those who are looking after them” Rosa stated on Facebook.
A little act of kindness can surely make this world a better place. May this be an inspiration to other businesses and even individuals out there to share some love to homeless dogs and spark a series of random acts of kindness around us.
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